This is my first post! I hope to write a lot more here. After messing with with Hugo and GitHub pages, I got a good WYSIWYG-loop going on so I can actually write and talk to myself and you about big fast algorithms outside of lengthy files on github.
Here you’ll find a lot of low-level stuff(SIMD, Reverse Engineering, HPC), computer graphics(I loooove Vulkan), and maybe the occasional programming trick-or-treat or animation/art-work or two.
Until I find a good way to add a non-intrusive and non-volatile comment-system to a statically generated site, you can reach out to me through my email or though my Twitter!
Anyways, here’s a very compact and silly implementation of FizzBuzz I made while I think of something else to write
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
int main()
for(size_t i = 1; i < 50; ++i) printf("%zu\n\0\0\0\0Fizz\n\0\0\0Buzz\n\0\0\0FizzBuzz\n" + (((0x1241843 >> ((i % 15) * 2)) & 0b11) * 8), i);
.string "%zu\n"
.string ""
.string ""
.string ""
.string "Fizz\n"
.string ""
.string ""
.string "Buzz\n"
.string ""
.string ""
.string "FizzBuzz\n"
push r12
mov r12d, 1
push rbx
mov ebx, 15
push rcx
mov rax, r12
xor edx, edx
mov edi, 19142723
mov rsi, r12
div rbx
inc r12
xor eax, eax
lea rcx, [rdx+rdx]
sar edi, cl
sal rdi, 3
and edi, 24
add rdi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
call printf
cmp r12, 50
jne .L2
pop rdx
xor eax, eax
pop rbx
pop r12